Gala’s impact on intellectual development of Salvador Dali

To what extent Elena Ivanovna (Gala) had a significant impact on intellectual development of Salvador Dali’s character during his early development of his success?

Elena Ivanovna (Gala) was a great inspiration to artists. Born in 1894 she was the first wife to Paul Eluard and a second wife to Salvador Dali. Gala was a teacher by profession, and she had a keen interest in artists who were extremely creative and talented. In her time, she has special connections with numerous scholars and artists. Eluard and Gala both participated in the surrealist movement.

Gala was an extremely inspiring and creative individual who influenced numerous artists in the era. Together with her husband Gala visited various artists that also participated in the surrealist culture. Among the painters was Salvador Dali, who was a decade younger than Gala. Dali and Gala developed a connection that later led to marriage. Dali loved Gala from the first time he set eyes on her. In his private thoughts, he claims that Gala was his Gradiva. The word Gradiva was used in a certain novel to signify a hero and a psychological healer. Dali believed that Gala had given him victory and direction in his life.

Gala was a mentor and a guide to Dali since he was still young with wild expressions and imaginations. Dali was not capable of handling his business and creative forces that come with painting as well. Gala was mature at the time, and she was capable of striking a balance in Dali’s budding career since he had just joined the surrealism culture. Gala was a faithful lover besides having an expansive network in the art industry at the time since her first husband was a famous artist.

Dali wrote in his books that Gala was a supportive wife and friend. She handled all the legal, and financial issues in Dales painting business in the early years. Gala was also responsible for Dali’s signing and negotiation of contracts an indication that she ensured all the agreed upon activities were successful to avoid any breach of contract. Lastly, Gala arranged meetings and exhibitions for Dali in all occasions ensuring that his activities were successful and profitable.

In summary, Gala had a significant impact on intellectual development of Salvador Dali’s character during his early development to his success as highlighted in this study. Gala assisted Dali to create a balance in his artistic and business life. In addition, she was extremely instrumental in his growth through her support as a loving wife. Finally, she was devoted to her services unconditionally by supporting Dali as an artist, a businessperson and as the man she loved.

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